Earn by providing liquidity

LP staking rewards are distributed to people who stake Sushi LP (TKNFY-ETH) tokens on the $TKNFY liquidity staking.

You can provide liquidity to $TKNFY here and receive LP tokens which you can stake for more rewards than just on SushiSwap.

How to provide liquidity

Open SushiSwap Liquidity pool here.

You should see the form:

Connect your wallet, input the amounts of ETH and TKNFY you are willing to provide.

Once you input the amount you want to put in, you will see the approve button. Click it and follow the instruction in your wallet.

Once the transaction passes, you will see the form to confirm your LP providing. Click the button and follow the instructions in your wallet. As a result, you will receive SushiSwap LP (TKNFY-ETH) tokens.

This is the contract that corresponds to TKNFY-ETH LP tokens: https://etherscan.io/address/0x0bd2b9116f1e2f88e4fd4cc0fce3e15178de8df5

How to stake LP tokens

Go to https://earn.tokenfy.com/Earn page. Connect your wallet. You will see your current LP tokens balance, staked balance and rewards in the form.

Input the amount of LP tokens you want to stake into the form and click stake. You will need to sign two transactions:

  1. Approve your LP tokens to be sent to the contact

  2. Confirm your stake

Soon after this you will see your updated balance.

If you already have been staking LP tokens, you will receive your claimable rewards to your wallet.

How to unstake LP tokens

Go to https://earn.tokenfy.com/Earn page. Connect your wallet. You will see your current LP tokens balance, staked balance and rewards in the form.

Open the Unstake tab. Input the amount of LP tokens you want to unstake into the form and click "Unstake". Confirm the transaction in your wallet.

Soon after this you will see your updated balance.

You will receive your claimable rewards along with the unstaked LP tokens.

How to claim without unstaking

Go to https://earn.tokenfy.com/Earn page. Connect your wallet. You will see your current LP tokens balance, staked balance and rewards in the form.

Open the Claim tab. You will see your current amount of claimable rewards. Click "Claim" and confirm the transaction in your wallet.

Soon after this you will see your updated balance.

You will receive $TKNFY rewards in your wallet.

How to remove liquidity from SushiSwap

You can remove SushiSwap liquidity here.

Input the amount of SLP tokens you want to exchange for your liquidity in pool.

Approve your amount and follow the instructions in your wallet.

Last updated